Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Historic Williamsburg

After we parked at the Visitor Center parking lot, we made the trek to the center of Historic Williamsburg. This was the tunnel we walked through to get to there.

The Governor's Palace was finished in 1722. 

This is the bell tower of the Bruton Parish Church. They still hold services there every Sunday. The church was used as a storehouse and hospital during the Battle of Yorktown and the Civil War. 
This is the gateway in and out of the churchyard. 
Inside the church

The fence around the Magazine and the Courthouse

A Toy Store

 Gardens behind a house

Garden Update

Here's Rowan holding a ruby red tomato from the garden. (She dressed herself.) 

Zucchini! I'm so excited about this plant. It grows SO fast. Zucchini muffins here I come!
Rowan is very proud of the zucchini. (Me too!) Tomorrow we bake! Isn't it huge?

Monday, July 4, 2011

Backyard Garden

Produce simply costs too much. Why do healthy/natural foods cost so much more than processed, sugary, fatty, deadly foods? Hoping to save a little bit on groceries and make my family healthier, I've made a garden. It's tiny but a start to something healthy and fun for the family. Rowan loves to water the plants and carry around one of the potted sunflowers. I've tried my best to teach her to be gentle. (We're still working on it.)

I visited various garden centers to find the right plants and seeds. Most of the plants I used this year were seedlings. It was just easier. My dad, husband and I cut the boards for the fence. I used 6 or 7 bags of mulch and I feel like I could use more.

My dog was probably the most excited about the garden. He thought the mulch was the best chew toy ever. So, we put a poor man's fence around it. It's ugly, but it works.

After I finished the garden with the little fence, I decided that I needed to plant some pie pumpkin seeds. I had to move the fence out and dig up the ground to mix it with the garden soil. Lots of work, but I know the kids will love painting the pumpkins when they're ready in October. And we'll also try to make pumpkin pie from scratch.

The next time I decide to make a garden, I'll do raised beds. I think they look much nicer and there's not as much digging involved! I can see how it would get really easy to become discouraged.
Some of the zucchini plants are producing very small fruits.We've eaten several delicious tomatoes and stuffed jalapeno peppers. It's truly a joy to find food in  my backyard.

From Headboard to Storage Bench

I have always been fascinated with woodworking. The way wood can be "molded" into something functional and/or beautiful is really intriguing to me. I have never made anything from wood other than a birdhouse when I was little. My dad did all the cutting and most of the hammering. Maybe I used glue? Really, I had nothing to do with it.

Even though I've never done "real" woodworking, I was determined to make a storage bench. Who can't use extra storage? I found some article online about making a storage bench out of a headboard. Such a fantastic idea. When I visited the thrift store, I found the perfect headboard and footboard. It was an Ethan Allen twin set for only $10! I couldn't believe it. I bought the set and drove home to start planning.

I already cut the footboard in half. It will become the arm rests. I also cut off the ornamental feet. They will be on the bench but further down. You'll see. 

Conveniently, my father was in town. He bought me a Craftsman table saw on for only $50. We went to Home Depot to get the wood we would need for the rest of the bench and storage area. We bought a new blade and key for it and the cutting began! 

Using a table saw to cut all the pieces is pretty intimidating. If the wood is caught on the way through it can kick back and fly straight into you. Dangerous? Yes. Scary? Yes. Worth it? Oh, yes! It happened while I was cutting a board for the storage box. I was feeding some of the wood through and it cough and flew back but went past me. Thanks God!

Work on the bench took a while. I sanded the entire thing, with my new sander, and broke all the edges on the plywood. I primed the entire thing, even the inside, and finally painted it an off white/cream color. I think it was called Eggshell Dream or something cheesy like that. I put in so much reinforcement that it's probably safe to jump on, though I wouldn't advise it. My dad instructed me on how to make it the best we could and it turned out really great. I couldn't have done it without his help and of course my favorite store, Home Depot. Now all I need to do is make a cushion for it, so it's soft on the tush, and stuff it with...stuff!

I loved making this piece of furniture. Even though I finished it and I think it's great, I wouldn't recommend making this a newbie's first project. I didn't use a "pattern", we just wung it.  I can't wait to start on my next project. Built in bookcases here I come!